Uncover more details behind the adventures Jenna mentions in Worth the Suffering
Mentioned in the Book
First Chemo Down
May 21, 2015
page 49
When Jenna found out that she was going to receive chemo, there was no doubt in her mind that it was time for another photo shoot. One, because she loved photo shoots, and two because she wanted to be able to look back and remember what it was like to have long hair. Here are a few of the photos our friend Sean captured that day.
Hair loss & truth
June 5, 2015
page 55
I remember arriving in Florida at the airport. There was a man there, holding a sign that said "The Hendersons." He escorted us to our limo and drove us about an hour to our condo in Orlando. Jenna and I were expecting our birthday surprises from my brother and sister-in-law, but we never expected a ride in luxury! It was a sweet vacation, and Jenna's last with her cute new haircut she never wanted to get rid of again.
2nd chemo down & Young Life camp
June 23, 2015
page 67
Jenna had a lot of favorites. But her most favorite thing in the world was to go with her high school friends to Young Life camp every year. This photo is from our trip to Rockbridge in Goshen, Virginia in 2015; her first trip leading without hair.
Throughout the week, you would never hear Jenna complain about her circumstances; you'd only see her smile and radiate joy. If you've never experienced a week of Young Life camp (even as an adult), you have to go. I promise you, it will be the best of your life too.
Final stretch
September 2nd, 2015
page 105
Watching Jenna find out that our friends got us into the Young Life All-Staff Conference was a joy. I remember being given the envelope and watching Jenna open it in disbelieve. Tears came immediately after. If I can find the video, it will appear here.
5 months out
February 18, 2016
page 149
The Young Life All Staff Conference was a celebration to remember. Not only did we get to see some of our favorite people, but we also felt like we were celebrating the end of cancer. Some of my favorite memories from the trip was our experiences at the Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. I remember Jenna being so so excited to ride the rockin' rollercoaster, that we ran all the way across the park to get in line before the ride closed. We made it, and we buckled ourselves in and got ready for the ride.
One thing to know about Jenna, she loved roller coasters ... just not ones with loops or twists. To her surprise (and mine), this one had both ... multiple in fact! I can remember the entire roller coaster ride as if it happened 2 hours ago. The entire time she was yelling at me, "DID YOU KNOW!?!" in a scared and angry voice. It took me several hours to finally convince her that I truly had no idea about the coaster. Plus it was her idea anyway! I still laugh about it when I reflect back on that moment. What an amazing week that was.
While on vacation
May 30, 2016
page 199
Most of the vacation, Jenna wasn't feeling the best. We were lucky we were even able to go (we had a list of places to go given to us from our team at Children's just in case). On vacations, one of Jenna's favorite things to do was walk the beach and look for Seaglass. We found plenty, but unlike times past she wasn't able to walk very far.
Jenna also knew, as seen in her prayers, that this may be the last time she ever got to be at the beach. She was right. This was our last family vacation together to the ocean.
Treatment & life update
June 23, 2016
page 215
In the midst of cancer or any tragedy for that matter, life has a way of piling on stress after stress. Jenna and I's story was no different. On top of "figuring out" Jenna's cancer diagnosis, we were also faced with many financial decisions about the treatment, fertility decisions, and the lack of steady income.
Amazingly, yet not surprisingly, we were once again shown the goodness of the Lord. We learned how to receive, as countless amounts of people gave us money, served us with their time, brought us food, cleaned our house, and sent encouraging notes. Saying thank you in a written message didn't seem appropriate, so we made this video to share with everyone who gave to us in our time of need. Again, if this was you, I am grateful.
Long update & Young life camp
August 3, 2016
page 237
July 2016 was insane. We traveled so much even I was tired. I have no idea how Jenna mustered up the strength to do all the things. We went to Philidelphia, Spring Lake, Houston, Waco, and Lake City. It was the last of our major trips together, and they were all special. From celebrating a sweet friends wedding to visiting Magnolia Market, to Jenna's last trip to Timberwolf Lake as a Young Life leader, Jenna never slowed down or gave up hope. Little did I realize that she was only 2 months away from her final breath.
"we have no reason to complain in any circumstance. God never wastes, and He shows up in the most desperate of things to redeem them for His story.”